Coaching for better Management and Leadership Skills

Are people looking to you for leadership? Women leaders are more assertive and persuasive, have a stronger need to get things done, and are more willing to take risks than male leaders….Women leaders also found to be more empathetic and flexible, as well as stronger in interpersonal skills than their male counterparts. Caliper Research.

• Motivate your staff members to give you their best.
• Learn to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your team.
• Handle management of friends, former peers, and employees who are older /younger than you.
• Develop your individual leadership style and enhance your personal power.

Coaching on how to Manage Yourself Not Your Time!

Considering the speed at which business moves these days, one thing is certain: if you can’t manage your time effectively, you will have a hard time managing anything else. Yet, most people waste precious minutes, hours, even days, reacting to what is going on around them rather than developing skills that will keep them moving forward and accomplishing their most important goals.

• Take control of yourself and work with the clock … not against it. Handle multiple projects effectively to streamline your workday for greater efficiency.
• Adapt! Use top tips and tools to smooth out the bumps caused by changes, crises, delays, and roadblocks.
• Eliminate the pressure and stress that can drain your energy and productivity.

Coaching on How to Be Assertive and improve Communication Skills

Do you sometimes feel you’re “too weak” or “too nice”? Or, on the other end of the spectrum, do you come on “too strong” or become overbearing? Assertiveness is about reasonable behavior that holds own ground and finds reasonable working compromises, so there are no losers. It’s about both sides winning at least something.

• Take control of yourself and work with the clock … not against it. Handle multiple projects effectively to streamline your workday for greater efficiency.
• Adapt! Use top tips and tools to smooth out the bumps caused by changes, crises, delays, and roadblocks.
• Eliminate the pressure and stress that can drain your energy and productivity.

Coaching on How to Get Ahead: in Your Career

Ever lose sight of the “big picture” in your career? This session will assist and evaluate where you are within your current position, how to set targets, via action planning and achieve your goals. Increase your level of motivation by identifying your ‘Career Drivers’ and the discovery of latent and potential talent as well at turning barriers into positive attributes.

• Identify what you want from your career, and your life
• Explore all the different options available to you
• Give shape to a new compelling ten year vision
• Create an action plan to research and explore the possibilities available to you

Coaching You to Become A Teacher

The Award in Education and Training course is the first step for a learners embarking on their teaching and learning journey. The qualification provides an entry point and introduction for those new to teaching and training or those wishing to teach or train. It is a qualification for those seeking a ‘stepping stone’ to qualifications that entitles them to teach in the sector either as an ‘Associate Teacher’ or ‘Full Teacher’ role. It provides progression to the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training, (CET) for those seeking Associate Teacher status, and the Diploma in Education and Teaching (DET), for those seeking Full Teacher QTLS status. The Award will equip a wide range of teachers and facilitators with what the Sector Skills Council, LLUK, has termed ‘a threshold licence to teach’

Coaching to Identify Your Stressors & Find Solutions

Whether it is workplace stress, relationship stress, or concerns about the economy, identifying your stress causes and your reaction to stress are important parts of taking control of stress today. You only need to scan the news to know that stress is a part of life. However, with the right stress management techniques it does not have to be a way of life!

• Everyone wants balance, learn how to achieve it!
• Coping strategies for high-pressure lifestyles: Keep pace without burning out.
• Relax and recapture your calm — in virtually any situation or setting.
• Discover stress points unique to women, and how other successful women conquer them.

Coaching Skills; The ESW Toolbox

Learn the tips and tricks that make it easier to produce and achieve every single day. The ESW (Establishing Strategies for the Way forward) programme leads to a focused approach in one’s life, raising awareness on healthy eating and maintenance of the body, improving confidence and self-esteem by mastering the skills and techniques using the ESW coaching system. This unique combination of health and life skills feature offer a quality service that include support, motivation and information, encompassing strategies to aid current development in key areas of life.

Learning Lunches Coaching Sessions

Helen will encourage you and your staff to find the time to get a training session up and running, by delivering coaching lunch and learn sessions.
The coaching lunch and learn workshops is a 30-45 minutes ono on one session facilitated by Helen during a lunch hour. Helen can deliver it in an employee cafeteria, auditorium, or even in a conference room. This has been such a successful session and has been delivered to key personnel for companies such as DELL and BNP Paribas Bank what sets this concept apart from other programs is the accessibility and the less formal structure of Helen’s approach.
Coaching lunch and learn is an easy way to develop and motivate you while creating a workplace of communication, collaboration and learning. The session may also cover important issues and promote an open platform of information for employees.

1. Builds and maintains teamwork skills.
2. Enhances team communication.
3. Advances other company training initiatives.
4. Allows a level of expertise to be shared amongst other employees.
5. Raises the motivation level necessary for fulfilling company objectives.
6. Helps satisfy government legal training requirements.
Overall, a Coaching Learn and Lunch session creates an open channel for information flow and training. Whether the session is targeted towards professional and personal development, skill set training, or even life skills, these sessions can result in a boost in employee motivation and skills needed for a valuable and successful work experience.


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