Accountability Sessions


An accountability group is a gathering of people who share their goals and support each other in reaching them. The group meets regularly to share their goals for the next week, to report on their progress from the week before, and to offer support to other members. Many groups meet either weekly or bi-weekly, depending on the needs of the members. Accountability groups can be formed for just about anything, from business, entrepreneurship, and leadership to fitness, health, and spirituality. Accountability Coaching Sessions are also effective and bring good results, because the good part about working in a group is the social pressure that motivates you to deliver on what you promised.

How does it work?

During each meeting, you declare a detailed, specific and measurable goal you intend to achieve before the next group session. Each group member makes such a promise. Next time we meet, we discuss our results. The coach asks you some questions to observe and analyze the process of goal achievement.



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